Yesterday's posts was all about being in a car too much. Today's post is about having a bike heavy day-though I would not call it as being on a bike too much.
Day-to-day my riding is to work and back. Things come up that take me elsewhere but mostly i stay downtown with limited miles. Occasionally though I get big bike days and I am off everywhere and the miles rack up. Last Wednesday was a day like that.
I have written about going out to the Lee Highway area. This trip has turned into a regular thing as I go out there for a weekly Pilates session. So that is just what I was doing last Wednesday. The more I go that route the more comfortable I am with it although the tunnel will never be a nice thing. I went through it today also and I was honked at. I knew having all the drivers being courterous wouldn't last. But over all I have adjusted and settled in the ride.
But last Wednesday was also the Ride Of Silence. I didn't know how many riders would show up. Last year was the first year for it and it was inresponse to the death of David Meek. We were still in shock over his tragic death and the ride with over 200 riders was very moving and healing.
This year didn't have that immediate feel. Happily, there was not a bike death this past year so I was not sure how well the ride would be attended. A large group did show up-estimated to be over 100. I have been talking about our emerging bike community here in Chattanooga and I think the attendence at this Ride of Silence is another strong indicator of our growth.
The after party was held at Moccasin Bend Brewery in St. Elmo, hosted by Q. He had taken goodies to eat by bike trailer before the ride and participants of the ride came and shared a beer in memory. After the long day, I still had to ride home.
By the end of the day, I had ridden 50 miles-and all without bike shorts. Long hours on a bike is always preferable to long hours in a car. I am so glad my life has developed in a way I can take care of business, go to work, and socialize all on a bike. Wouldn't have it any other way!
Remembering Joan Gussow
2 hours ago