This is my entry for the last phase of the summer
Games for LGRB. I combined two events into one-I know that is a point loser but hopefully it won't disqualify me. I took the long ride to work and rode on our greenway to do it.
Any time I take the long way around to something it usually includes the RiverWalk. It just is a nice way to go.
My starting point for this ride was the Y Here is my bike at the bike rack (that Q installed).
I turned right instead of left out of the Y. It is a straight 2 mile shot from the Y to my studio. Today I am going a big loop around.
Turning from 6th Street, right onto MLK and then right onto RiverFront Parkway.
Under the Olgati Bridge. I never mention this bridge because Interstate 27 goes over it and I don't ride my bike on it. So getting underneath it is the only way to experience it on my bike.
Here I am approaching the Market Street (John Ross) Bridge. This picture was taken as the lanes were reduced from 4 to 2. As you can see, traffic is very light, lanes are wide and until this point there were multiple lanes. It is strange that on this street I was agressively honked and yelled at not once but twice. I wasn't on it longer then 3 minutes. It is hard to predict when drivers are going to take strong exception to you being on the road with them.
Under the Market Street Bridge.
Under the Walnut Street Bridge. I am usually writing about crossing the top of the bridge. It is rare view to see it from below.
This is the glass pedestrian bridge I wanted to take a picture as somebody was crossing it, but traffic was light and nobody came over while I was crossing.
This is crossing a bridge by crossing a bridge. I am now on the Riverwalk on the bridge over looking the Veterans Bridge.
The RiverWalk. I just went on a little bit of it, up to UTC. If I had time I would have gone furthur, at least up to Wilcox and have continued to work that way.
Going through UTC I went up Vine Street instead of Oak. Oak is really nicer but I enjoy going down Vine everyonce in a while. Oak Street looks pretty much as it did when I went to school there so many years ago, but Vine seems to be always changing with new buildings. This view didn't exist 30 years ago.
Then I continued on to work in my usual way over the McCallie viaduct. My camaera had died so I couldn[t take a picture of that bridge. All in all, I went under, or over 5 bridges on this route to work-and never crossed the river!