He stopped long enough to have some juice and muffin and then he was off again.
This weeks Breakfast was saying Good bye to Cortney, our Beautiful, Biking Ballerina.
She is leaving us to go to Eugene, Oregon to study transportation. Yay, a biker getting into transportation planning!!! Yay, Cortney is following her passion, to the eventual benefit for us all!!! Boo, Cortney has to leave us. Eugene's gain is definately our loss.
She is leaving us to go to Eugene, Oregon to study transportation. Yay, a biker getting into transportation planning!!! Yay, Cortney is following her passion, to the eventual benefit for us all!!! Boo, Cortney has to leave us. Eugene's gain is definately our loss.
In Cortney's short time here she was a strong force in coelising the biking community here. She started the Brews Cruise.
She planned and led the our Jane's Roll Event, 3 Hoods, 3 Rides. She is repeating this event for the ProWalk ProBike convention next month (we are getting a bit of reprieve when she returns to do this)
And of course, it was just seeing Cortney in her classy presence on a bike.She was serious about bike riding (and you should see the hill she lived on. In this city of hills, in the part of town that is called Hill City, she had a heck of a hill to go up. I would show a picture, except going up that hill, I was never able to think of taking a picture.).
Yes, we will miss her, and we are hoping for her return. Best Wishes, Cortney. Come back to lead us on more bike advenures!